Anti-Waste Policy Example
Here's a draft sample of an anti-waste policy followed by issue logging & tracking suggestions. A comparable policy should be in every County Department's policy manual. As of writing, most Departments appear to lack one or have a weak one. "It is against the Department Policy to unnecessarily waste resources, including but not limited to supplies and employee labor. The County has an obligation to use tax money judiciously and wisely. Employees are required to report significant likely waste to their immediate supervisor. If the immediate supervisor cannot or does not address the issue in a reasonable timeframe, then the central Resource Efficiency Coordinator (REC) [hyperlink to person or group] shall be contacted by the employee and notified of the waste incident or practice. A status report or notice of the progress will be given to both the employee and their immediate supervisor every 6 months until the alleged inefficiency is resolved or deemed unresolvable. Cas...